• Cmek •
23*ELITE, 2*NICE, 3*GOOD, 2*BETTER, 7*BEST, 3*Beautiful, GOOD, EXCELLENT, 2*1st placed on Learn, learn! Championship in Salyza P. S., 2nd placed on Learn, learn! Championship in Salyza P. S., 1st Placed of IV. Appearance of Favourites, Winner Horse in Bristol Category, Perfect Appearance Horse, GOLD, Best Show Jumping Horse, 1st in Black Raven Show Jumping, Better, Better in WLE, 2nd in Show Jumping in Aachen, 2*Nouvelle Lune Champion, 1st of Hickstead in Memory, 3rd of Hickstead in Memory, Best in WLE, 1st in Dressage in Hamburg, 1st placed on May of Bays in Salyza P. S., Nice Horse and Human in Friendship Appearance, 2*Gyztes a V. Salyza Kupn a Salyza Lovaskzpontban, J l a V. Salyza Kupn a Salyza Lovaskzpontban, 1. helyezet a Kllem Kategriban a V. Salyza Kupn, 1. helyezet a Djlovagls Kategriban a V. Salyza Kupn, 3. helyezett a Djugrats Kategriban a V. Salyza Kupn, Legszebb hannoveri kategrij l, Good Horse in Christmas Cake Dressage, 2nd in Christmas Cake Dressage, Absolute Winner of Christmas Cake Show Jumping, Beautiful Horse on Horse Type Appearance, Elite Jumping Horse, 1st in Autumn Show Jumping, Best of Paradise Stables, Els helyezett a Sportl Kllemen, Best of Paradise Stables, Msodik helyezett a Sportl Kllemen, Beautiful Horse in Haloween Appearance, 1st in Ghost Category, Nice horse in the Mangue, Best in Aurora Lp, Elite Piaffe Dressage Horse, Absolute winner in Piaffe Dressage Cup, Best, Best in Aurora Lp, Best Piaffe Dressage Horse, 1st in Piaffe Dressage Cup, The Best in Paradise Stables, Better Horse in III. Cheval Show Jumping Cup, NICE, Nouvelle Lune Champion, 3rd of British Dressage, Excellent, Better of Winter Cup in Magnolia, Good, Good Dressage Horse in PS, 2nd in Paradise Stables, Fantastic Bay Color Dressage Horse, 2nd in Color Dressage in Alta, Better Jumping Mare, BlackStone's Champion, 1st Placed of II. Knock Out Appearance, Winner Horse in PonyIsland, Perfect Appearance Horse, Absolute Winner of II. Knock Out Appearance, Legjobb l a Holiday in Autumn-ban a Salyza Lk.-ban, 1. helyezett a Holiday in Autumn-ban, Nagyon j l a Holiday in Autumn-ban a Salyza Lk.-ban, 2. helyezett a Holiday in Autumn-ban, Nice Horse in Autumn Appearance, Nagyon j l a Novemberi Djugratson a Salyza Lk.-ban, 2.helyezet az oldalrl kategriban, a Novemberi Djugratson, Nagyon szp hannoveri l, A legszebb hannoveri l, 1. helyezett a Tlvr Kllemen a Salyza Lk.-ban, 4*Legjobb l a Walking and walking Appearance-en a Salyza Lk.-ban, 4*1. helyezett a Walking and walking Appearance-en, Good Dressage Horse in PS, 2nd in Paradise Stables, 1. helyezett a Concours de Dressage Paris versenyen kezd Kategriban a Salyza Lk.-ban, Excellent, Nice Horse with Care, Excellent Appearance Horse of Ramoso Aspetto Professionale, 2*Good Appearance Horse of Ramoso Aspetto Professionale, Best horse in The old one appearance, Better in Aurora Lp, 2nd in Winter Dressage, Best horse in Colours Appearance, Good Show Jumping Horse, The Best Paradise Mare in Appearance, 3*GOOD, Beautiful Horse in Paradise Stables, 2*NICE, 2*Very Good Horse, 2*3rd in Alta Kupa in Alta, Fantastic Horse in Appearance Kategory, Fantastic Horse in Show Jumping Kategory, 2*2nd in Disney Kupa in Alta, Good Horse in Dressage Kategory, 4th in Disney Kupa in Alta, 1st Placed of II. Appearance of Favourites, Winner Horse in Orange Category, Perfect Appearance Horse
• Hvnv: Hajnal
• Kora: 8 v
• Neme: kanca
• Fajtja: hannoveri
• Trzsknyvi neve: Esthajnal
• Apja neve: Gold Fever
• Anyja neve: Anka
Gold Fever
Grosso Z
Goliath Z
Furioso II
Lugano II
• tlevl: van/nincs
• Rajtengedly: van/nincs
• Belovagolva: igen/nem
• Kpzsei: djlovagls, djugrats
• Versenyeredmnyek: (60 db)
- 1. hely: V. Salyza Kupa, kllem, kanca kat.
- 1. hely: V. Salyza Kupa, djlovagls, kezd kat.
- 1. hely: Paradise Appearance Competition, hannoveri kat.
- 1. hely: Autumn Show Jumping (kezdk)
- 1. hely: Sportl Kllem, djlovaglk kat.
- 1. hely: Haloween Appearance, Ghost kat.
- 1. hely: Piaffe Dressage Cup, kezd kat. *Abszolt gyztes
- 1. hely: I Love the 80's Show Jumping, Challenger kat.
- 1. hely: Knock Out Appearance, kanck kat. *Abszolt gyztes
- 1. hely: Holiday in Autumn, sznkllem, pej kat.
- 1. hely: II. Paradise Kllem, hannoveri kat. * Abszolt gyztes
- 1. hely: Tlvr Kllem, jgvirg kat.
- 1. hely: Walking and walking Appearance, lls kat.
- 1. hely: Walking and walking Appearance, lps kat.
- 1. hely: Walking and walking Appearance, gets kat.
- 1. hely: Walking and walking Appearance, vgta kat.
- 1. hely: Concours de Dressage Paris, kezd kat.
- 1. hely: Ramoso Aspetto Professionale, Velence kat.
- 1. hely: The old one Appearance, kanca, 1. csoport
- 1. hely: Colours Appearance, pej kat.
- 1. hely: I. The Best of Paradise Stables, kanca kat.
- 1. hely: II. Appearance of Favourites, kanck kat.
- 1. hely: Learn, learn! Championship, kllem, kanca kat.
- 1. hely: Learn, learn! Championship, djugrats, kezd kat.
- 1. hely: IV. Appearance of Favourites, Bristol kat.
- 1. hely: Black Raven Show Jumping, Repl Holl kat.
- 1. hely: Hickstead in Memory, kllem, kanca kat.
- 1. hely: Dressage in Hambrug, Hamburg Khlsten kat.
- 1. hely: May of Bays, kanca kat.
- 2. hely: Learn, learn! Championship, djlovagls, halad kat.
- 2. hely: Show Jumping in Aachen, halad kat.
- 2. hely: From a beginner to the pro Winner Show Jumping, kezd kat.
- 2. hely: III. Paradise Kllem, kanca kat.
- 2. hely: Disney Kupa, djugrats kat.
- 2. hely: Disney Kupa, kllem kat.
- 2. hely: Jumping in Aachen, kezd kat.
- 2. hely: Holiday in Autumn, fajkllem, sportlovak kat.
- 2. hely: Novemberi Djugrats, oldalrl kat.
- 2. hely: I love the 90's Dressage, kezd kat.
- 2. hely: Winter Dressage, kezd kat.
- 2. hely: Sportl Kllem, djugrk kat.
- 2. hely: Christmas Cake Dressage (edzsterves lovak)
- 2. hely: Horse Type Appearance
- 2. hely: Jumping Cup in the Mangue, edzsterv nlkli lovak kat.
- 2. hely: III. Cheval Show Jumping
- 2. hely: Winter Cup in Magnolia, djugrats, kezd kat.
- 2. hely: I love the 80's Dressage
- 2. hely: Color Dressage Race, pej kat.
- 3. hely: V. Salyza Kupa, djugrats, kezd kat.
- 3. hely: British Dressage
- 3. hely: Frienship Appearance, emberrel kat.
- 3. hely: Autumn Appearance
- 3. hely: My Rider and Me Appearance, My Care kat.
- 3. hely: Alta Kupa, djlovagls, kezd kat.
- 3. hely: Alta Kupa, djugrats, kezd kat.
- 3. hely: Hickstead in Memory, djugrats, kezd kat.
- 4. hely: Disney Kupa, djlovagls kat.
- 4. hely: Fedeles Djugrat Kupa (C/0 kat.)
- 4. hely: Dressage in Mangue, kezdk kat.
Abszolt gyztes: Christmas Cake Show Jumping (edzsterves lovak)
• Fedeztetsi engedly: van/nincs
• Tenyszvizsga eredmnye: -%
• Itt fedez: -
• Utdok: -
Felszerelseket a Lovasboltban vsrolhatsz!
• Neve: szami744
• E-mail cme: szami7@citromail.hu
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