Hellas de Mithology
5 ves | Arab telivr | mn | djlovagls, galopp
Trzsknyvezett nv: Hellas de Mithology
Regisztrcis szm: 001 4829 ARA
Tulajdonos neve: szami744
E-mail cme: szami7@citromail.hu
Versenyeredmnyek: (27 db)
- 1. hely: Move Your Body Dressage (kezd)
- 1. hely: December Appearance
- 1. hely: Fast Racing in February (djlovagls)
- 1. hely: Favourite Appearance
- 2. hely: New Hope Breeding Park, Dressage for Everyone (kezd)
- 2. hely: Erza's Galopp Race (rvidtv)
- 3. hely: Simple Galopp Race (sprint kat.)
- 3. hely: Simple Galopp Race (telivrkllem)
- 2. hely: Monarchia's Last Competition in 2013 (Djlovagls, kezd)
- 2. hely: The Game of Thrones Series: Stallion's Day (kllem)
- 2. hely: Ponysland I. Movie Appearance
- 2. hely: M's First Competition in 2014 (djlovagls)
- 2. hely: Appearance in Nature
- 2. hely: Nightwish is a Metal Band, ok? (mn kllem)
- 2. hely: I. Pata-Csata Galopp (sprint)
- 2. hely: Prime Perfections Movie Challenge (djlovagls)
- 2. hely: The Game of Thrones Series: Stallion's Day (djlovagls)
- 3. hely: What is your breed? Appearance
- 3. hely: The Game of Thrones Series: Stallion's Day (tvlovagls)
- 3. hely: M's First Competition in 2014 (kllem)
- 3. hely: Monarchia's Last Competition in 2013 (kllem)
- 3. hely: Smooth Competition (djlovagls,kezd)
- 3. hely: Prime Perfections Movie Challenge (kllem)
- 3. hely: Appearance with Colours
- 4. hely: Nightwish is a Metal Band, ok? (galopp/sprint)
- 5. hely: Dressage in December
- 5. hely: Galopp Everyone, Sprint kat.
Minstsek: Good Dressage Horse, EXCELLENT, Excellent Galopp Horse, GOOD, FAST, Nice Galopp Horse in Simple Galopp Race Part I.
Itt fedez/fedeztethet:
- Unchained Stud & Breeding Centre
- Naher de Mithology (by Raltra)
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