• Cmek •
5*ELITE, 3*LIFE-STYLE CHAMPION, 5*GOOD, 3rd Placed Horse in Simple Appearance, 4*BEST, 2nd Placed Horse in Marvel Studios Competition, 1st Placed Horse in Marvel Studios Competition, Nice Stallion in Darius de Azevedo, NICE, Very Good Jumping Horse in LS, 1st Placed Horse in Simple Jumping, Beautiful Horse, 2nd Horse in Stallion Appearance, 2*4th Placed Horse in Opening Competition, 2*3rd Placed Horse in Germany Appearance, 3rd at Show Jumping Heroes, Winner Horse in Ametiszt Category, Winner Horse in Darius de Azevedo, Nice Horse in Darius de Azevedo, NICE, Msodik Legjobb Kezd Ugrl a GSSJ versenyen, ELITE JUMPER IN INFERNUS, WINNER IN ELIT JUMP, BEST Good Jumper Horse in Paris, 3rd Placed of 'Indoor or Open?' Jumping, Good Horse in Show Jumping Category, 3rd Placed of 'Game, Set, Match' Cup, 3rd Placed Horse in Hello Summer! Appearance, 1st Placed Horse in Hello Summer! Jumping, 3rd Placed Horse in Competition Around The World, Good horse in Rome Category, 2nd Placed Horse in Competition Around The World, Best Horse in Dublin Category, 2*ELITE HORSE IN 7 MONTH APPEARANCE, BEST l a Garfield kllem versenyen, BEST l a Garfield djugrats versenyen
• Hvnv: Fergeteg
• Kora: 10 v (05.16.)
• Neme: mn
• Fajtja: magyar flvr
• Trzsknyvi neve: 193 Fergeteg
• Apja neve: Fald
• Anyja neve: Gyngyvirg
Fald |
Purioso |
Furioso II |
Nimmerdor |
Gyngyvirg |
Toborz |
Tumbled |
Ramzes Junior
• tlevl: van/nincs
• Rajtengedly: van/nincs
• Belovagolva: igen/nem
• Kpzsei: djugrats, djlovagls
• Versenyeredmnyek: (26 db)
1. hely: Marvel Studios Competition, Bosszllk, djugrats, kezd kat.
1. hely: Simple Jumping, kezd kat.
1. hely: Elite Jumping Cup, kezd kat.
1. hely: Mineral Jumping Cup, kezd djugrats kat.
1. hely: Hello Summer Jumping, kpek alapjn, kezd kat.
1. hely: 7 Month Appearance, djugrats kat.
1. hely: 7 Month Appearance, kllem kat.
2. hely: Garfield Competition, kllem kat.
2. hely: Garfield Competition, djugrats kat.
2. hely: Golden Star Show Jumping, kezd kat.
2. hely: Marvel Studios Competition, Penge, mn kat.
2. hely: Happy Birthday Appearance, mn kat.
2. hely: Stallion Appearance, mnek kat.
2. hely: Competition Around the World, szabadonugrs kat.
3. hely: Simple Appearance, mn kat.
3. hely: Germany Appearance, djugrats kat.
3. hely: Germany Appearance, szabadonugrs kat.
3. hely: Show Jumping Heroes, 100-120 cm kat.
3. hely: Mineral Jumping Cup, szabadonugrs kat.
3. hely: Indoor or Open? Jumping, fedett plya kat.
3. hely: 'Game, Set, Match' Cup, djugrats, kezd kat.
3. hely: Hello Summer Appearance, mn kat.
3. hely: Competition Around the World, djugrats kat.
4. hely: Mineral Jumping Cup, kllem, mn kat.
4. hely: Opening Competition, kllem/mn kat.
4. hely: Opening Competition, djugrats, mn kat.
• Fedeztetsi engedly: van/nincs
• Tenyszvizsga eredmnye: -
• Itt fedeztethet: -
• Utdok:
- PN 184 Felh I. (by Scharlotte)
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