December Galopp

Verseny zrsnak legkorbbi napja: 2014. december 6.
- mindenki kategrinknt 4 lval nevezhet
- csak angol telivreknek
- legyen a lovadnak 1 szakgas kpe
- a l 2 ves, vagy idsebb legyen
- edzeni, edzstervet leadni nem kell, nevezsi dj nincs
- sprint
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1. hely: PS Fightning Talk, Nirvana, Awesome Nightfall, True Story, Happy Ending, Chalsin Leona, Normandy Invasion
2. hely: Spirit Gayego, Excalibur y Acertado, Hollywood Memories, Lethal Dose, Hopeless Queen
3. hely: Cerberus, Look Like a Warrior, Living's Archangel, Gay Perry, Obsidian Crystal
1. hely: Champion of the Heart, DeathStroke, Unitarian, Wild Dynamic, Illusioner Shadow, Chemical Love Strike, Thunder Bird, Value Comet, Hope of the Dream, Hope Dies Last, augus
2. hely: TC Thunder Lady, Nautilus Girl, Mignight Express, Tabacco Black, Essence of the Poison, Party Doll, Sacred Fire
3. hely: Sasha, Awesome Rock, Whiskey Broom, Critical Prince, My Miss Aurelia, Essence Breakout
1. hely: Revolutionary, Bernardini, Legend of the Phoenix, Colony Strike, Magenta Dream of Streets, Tenderlove, Swinging Chango, Dream of Rain's Point, Evening Attire, Robot's Bone, Study in Pink
2. hely: Nautical Adventure, Straight Story, Lethal Dream, Waffenrock, Cloudy Storm, Bestilo de Morte, Crimson Memories, TC California, Badger Baby
3. hely: PN Love Me Tender, Hot Trinniberg, Crimson Day, Warface, Robot's Skull, Evening Damsel, Painted Wonder
1. hely: TC Arkangel, Scrappy Man, Living the Poison, Wicked Strong, Holiday Break, Light Brigade, Chalsin's Breakout, Milagro Gris, Kentucky Morning, Chocolate Face, Sleipnir, Augustus Caesar
2. hely: Eclipse Solaire, Value Point, Exceed You Win, Shadow Rescuit, Shakespeare, PS Mortalcombat
3. hely: Cassablanca*, TC Blackwater, Diritta la Rotta, American Promise, TC Sercei, Pure Soul, TC Zerik
Abszolt gyztes: 1. helyezett dja + ELITE minsts
1. helyezett: + 80 000 lbp
2. helyezett: + 70 000 lbp
3. helyezett: + 60 000 lbp