10 ves | Connemara | mn | djugrats, djlovagls
Trzsknyvezett nv: Correct Maxim DX no OPS
Regisztrcis szm: 001 0053 CON
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Versenyeredmnyek: (32 db)
- 1. hely: French Appearance, pni kat.
- 1. hely: Fajtakategris Kllem, egyb kat.
- 1. hely: II. PHR Mn&Kanca szemle, mn kat.
- 1. hely: Blanket Appearance, kk kat.
- 1. hely: I. Simple Appearance, pni kat.
- 1. hely: Farewell Competition, kllem kat.
- 1. hely: Farewell Competition, djlovagls kat.
- 1. hely: Farewell Competition, djugrats kat.
- 1. hely: The Smallest The Smartest - Pni -s Csikv. djugrats kat. *absz. gy.
- 2. hely: December Show Jumping on Patanevelde (pnik)
- 2. hely: I. PC Cup, djlovagls/kezd kat.
- 2. hely: The Smallest The Smartest - Pni -s Csikverseny, kllem kat.
- 2. hely: Sherlock Appearance, pni kat.
- 2. hely: Red Obstacles Show Jumping, kezd, pni kat.
- 2. hely: Spirit Ranch Opening Cup, kezd kat.
- 2. hely: Spirit Ranch Opening Cup, egyb, szabadonugrs kat.
- 2. hely: Nyrzr Kllem, pni kat.
- 2. hely: Spirit Ranch Opening Cup, egyb kat.
- 2. hely: French Appearance, pni kat.
- 3. hely: National Geographic Show Jumping, kezd kat.
- 3. hely: Appearance with Season, pni kat.
- 3. hely: Horse in Pasture, pni kat.
- 3. hely: October Appearance, pni kat.
- 3. hely: I. PC Cup, djugrats/kezd kat.
- 3. hely: Octoberfest with Show Jumping, pni kat.
- 3. hely: 1000 + Appearance, pnik kat.
- 3. hely: The Smallest The Smartest - Pni -s Csikverseny, djlovagls kat.
- 3. hely: Dressage Championship, pni kat.
- 3. hely: Oportunidad Opening Cup, djugrats, kezd kat.
- 4. hely: Oportunidad Opening Cup, djlovagls, kezd kat.
- 4. hely: Loki Appearance, pni kat.
- 8. hely: Style Jump, pni kat.
Klndj: Sznkategris Kllemverseny, pni, szrke kat.
Minstsek: ELITE, BEST, 4*GOOD, 4*NICE, EXCELLENT, BETTER, CUTE HORSE, BEAUTIFUL, CuteHorse in PHR, Special Prize on Color Categories Appearance, NICE HORSE, Nice Appearance Horse in PHR, 2nd placed on Summer Close Appearance, 1st placed Other Horse on 'Fajtakategis Kllemverseny', 2nd placed on Red Obstacles SJ, Good horse in Spirit Ranch Opening Cup, Good horse in Spirit Ranch Opening Cup, Good horse in Spirit Ranch Opening Cup, PRIME PERFECTION CHAMPION, 1st Placed Horse in French Appearance, Elite Show Jumping Pony, 2nd Placed Horse in French Appearance, Excellent Appearnace Pony, Good horse in Loki apparance, Asgardian Visitor, BEST Stallion, 1st placed in II. PHR Mn&Kancaszemle, 3rd placed on National Geographic Show Jumping, 3rd placed in Appearance with Seasons, Szp l, 1st in infernus tc - Blanket Appearance, Good Horse, Pretty Horse Pony, 3rd Horse in October Appearance, BEST, 1st Placed Pony on I. Simple Appearance
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