IV. No Limit Dressage

01. Kategrinknt brmennyi lovadat nevezheted
02. Pnikkal is lehet nevezni a megfelel kategriba
03. Edzeni nem kell
04. Egy kp kell a lovadrl: egy djlovas szakgas, kategrinak megfelel szinten! Lehetleg oldalrl kszlt kp legyen.
05. Mivel ez hivatalos verseny profi kategriba a nagykantr ktelez, halad kategriba a kiskantr s a nagykantr vlaszthat, kezdknl a kiskantr ktelez.
01. Kezd
02. Halad
03. Profi
04. Pnik
01. Kezd
- 1. hely: Just Kidding, Hazel Grace, Sultan al Hakim, Wallflower, Aziz Aasifat, Zara d'Argent, Donnerhit's Girl, La Belle Luna CH, Swing, Royal Weekend, Donna's Lover, Shoney, Heart Steeler, Senorita Seneca, Deucalion
- 2. hely: Fleetwood, Siglavy Bagdady Hasszn, Sharif Ibn Gamil, Hassan Al-Amil, Calippo de Mithology of Streets, Shalke, Bourbon, Fuerst Valentine, Satin Black, Ghost Reaper
- 3. hely: RDF Near the End, Germaine d'Arc, Arsenal, LaMarque, Lady Morgana, Buster, Quotenknig, Dalton, Athos de Semilly, Everlade, Bamboo, Xilane
02. Halad
- 1. hely: Licentious Impetus, San Dior, Minesota T., Dot to Dot, Mysterieus, Hickory Dock, PN High Five, Lord Fairytale, Grandi'os, Badger, Diamond Boy, Domino, Days Are Numbered, Kashar, Byakor, Luxury Champagne
- 2. hely: Cornetto Glamour, Massive Moonlight, Landella I. , Picasso, Gangster, Paranormal Fantasy, PN Arnelle Acapulco, Cubano, Royal Hit, Charming Illusion
- 3. hely: Amandari, Changer la Vie Vent, Aerosmith of L'Amour, Salbatore Asesinas 'Reyes', Robillard du Roch, Ashtar
03. Profi
- 1. hely: Don Primero, Francois Melody, L'oiseau du Parasis, Morpheus Regulus Star, Arlando, Johnson TN, Apocalipt Hibiscus, Liberty de L'Aumont, Velantis, Caspien von Kapilot, Random Neightbour, Rolls-Royce, Revolution's Legacy
- 2. hely: Aircraft Breezer, Masonite, Bukephalos, Diamond Hit, PN Castrol, Castellan, Fuerst Rosengethar,
- 3. hely: Supermassive Light, Fra, Crown Chopali, Cockpit Champ Pro, Dream Big, Rascal, Cocaine Dependent
04. Pni
- 1. hely: Desdemona, Shake that Cream, Tauriel d'Angeline, Golden West, D. Salvatore, PN Cambaron, Sub-Zero, Traktor, Jackburry, Moloco, Golden Glitter
- 2. hely: Mistery Lord, Lacoste Enemy, Liaam Flores, Shaolin Cavallo, Midnight Magic, Dare to Dream, Dare Winchester
- 3. hely: Prim Monster, Prince of Avalon, Shaman, Diabolical Creature, Crimson War, Dameon du Bois
Abszolt gyztes: ELITE cm + 1. helyezett dja
- 1. hely: 60.000 Ft
- 2. hely: 40.000 Ft
- 3. hely: 20.000 Ft