November Western

01. Kategrinknt brmennyi lovadat nevezheted, brmennyi kategriba is nevezhet, ha van hozz megfelel kpe
02. Brmilyen fajtj lval lehet nevezni
03. Edzeni nem kell
04. Egy kp kell a lovadrl: egy kategrinak megfelel szakgas kp.
05. Halter kategriba 1 db egszalakos kp kell, oldalrl fotzott, nyereg s lovas nlkli
01. Reining
02. Trail
03. Cutting (terels)
04. Barrel racing
05. Western pleasure + english pleasure
06. Halter (egszalakos kp, lsd. szablyzat 05. pont)
Kizrst kapott:
- Ghost River: ezt a kpet nem tudom cuttingra elfogadni, nem westernes fot a lovas spanyol nyeregben l.
01. Reining
- 1. hely: SweatMeat Gladiator, The Borg, Purrfect Metallicat, Red It Badger, Iowa Summer Cloud, LoveSick Summer, Resistance Is Futile, Candy Kisses, Quickstep, Sunkissed Perfection
- 2. hely: Diamondback RattleSnake, Rockstar of Smoke River, Boemil Twin Robotop, Mighty Sounds, Red Frosty Moon, Psyche K. Hakarim, Shades of Wind
- 3. hely: Dash For Cash, Hesa Twisted Whistler, RattleSnake Revolution, Smokin' Splash Gun, God's Fade Bar, Red Boom Rising
02. Trail
- 1. hely: Hesa Twisted Whistler, Few Shot Acid, Acid Smoke, My Lost Dream
- 2. hely: Roots Radicals Dolls, Radical Rockstar, Delicious Rain
- 3. hely: The Borg, Iowa Summer Cloud, RR Shining Star, Psyche K. Hakarim
03. Cutting
- 1. hely: The Borg, Big Mohawk to Smoke, Shine Like A Diamond, Smoke on The Water
- 2. hely: Hesa Twisted Whistler, Jenny Dun Smoke, Shining Gold, My Lost Dream
- 3. hely: Purrfect Metallicat, Iowa Summer Cloud, Miss Street Flower
04. Barrel Racing
- 1. hely: Shamrock Shanties, Miss Street Flower
- 2. hely: Frost on Fire
- 3. hely: Smoke on The Water
05. Western pleasure, english pleasure
- 1. hely: Purrfect Metallicat, Iowa Summer Cloud, Prado El Jamaal, Radical Rockstar, My Lost Dream, Psyche K. Hakarim, Hades El Rayat, Moonlight Shadow
- 2. hely: The Borg, Roots Radicals Dolls, Mighty Sounds, Mr. Grey, Acid Smoke, RR Shining Star, The Stone Logan
- 3. hely: Rockstar of Smoke River, Few Shot Acid, Vaquero Joe, River Dun It, Miss Street Flower, Massino Ibn Gamil, Al Shahiriasb Halib
06. Halter
- 1. hely: Dash For Cash, The Borg, Hesa Twisted Whistler, Purrfect Metallicat, RattleSnake Revolution, LoveSick Summer, Vaquero Joe, Resistance Is Futile, Smokin' Splash Gun, Red Frosty Moon, God's Fade Bar, Quickstep, Red Boom Rising, RR Shining Star, Delicious Rain, Al Shahiriasb Halib, Sunkissed Perfection, Swing, Shades of Wind
- 2. hely: SweetMeat Gladiator, Leviathan, Red It Badger, Iowa Summer Cloud, Prado El Jamaal, Radical Rockstar, Candy Kisses, Smoke on The Water, Painted Rain, The Stone Logan, Massino Ibn Gamil, Hades El Rayat, Moonlight Shadow
- 3. hely: Diamondback RattleSnake, Shamrock Shanties, Shine Like A Diamond, River Dun It, Minted Design, Mr. Grey, Acid Smoke, My Lost Dream, Miss Street Flower, Psyche K. Hakarim
Abszolt gyztes: ELITE cm + 1. helyezett dja
- 1. hely: 60.000 Ft
- 2. hely: 40.000 Ft
- 3. hely: 20.000 Ft