Tavaszindt Western Kupa


01. Kategrinknt brmennyi lovadat nevezheted, egy lval brmennyi kategriban indulhatsz
02. Brmilyen fajtj lval nevezhettek
04. Edzeni nem kell
05. Egy szakgas kp kell a lovadrl, illetve halter kategriba egy egszalakos kpet krnk (nyereg/takar/lovas nlkli kp, nem kell hogy oldalrl kszlt legyen, de a l ltszdjon rajta teljesen)
01. Reining
02. Trail
03. Cutting
04. Pleasure (western + english pleasure)
05. Barrel racing
06. Halter
- Pleasure kategribl: Samba Dancer, Gummy Bear -> nem pleasure kategriba val fotkat adtl meg, krlek legkzelebb erre figyelj majd, hogy ne kelljen kizrnom ket.
01. Reining
- 1. hely: Master Mind, Gummy Bear, Resistance Is Futile, Big Mohawk To Smoke, Red It Badger, Rattlesnake Revolution, Boemil Twin Robotop, Candy Kisses, Woodo, SweetMeat Gladiator, Shades of Wind, Little Chex to Cash
- 2. hely: LoveSick Summer, Last Man Standing, Rockstar of Smoke River, Smart Crazy, Sunkissed Perfection, Dash For Cash
- 3. hely: Hindoo Queen, Miss Shutterfly, Iowa Summer Cloud, Mighty Sounds, Cuba Libre, Psyche K. Hakarim
02. Trail
- 1. hely: Be Like Commander, Miss Shutterfly, Roots Radicals Doll, Psyche K. Hakarim
- 2. hely: Kriptonite, Iowa Summer Cloud, Joker Jackpot, Delicious Rain
- 3. hely: Gummy Bear, Few Show Acid, Shining Star, My Lost Dream
03. Cutting
- 1. hely: Last Man Standing, Shine Like A Diamond, My Lost Dream
- 2. hely: Shining Gold, Jenny Dun Smoke, Aladdin of Rohan
- 3. hely: Big Mohawk To Smoke, Mr. Grey
04. Pleasure (western + english pleasure)
- 1. hely: Prado El Jamal, Hindoo Queen, Vaquero Joe, Rockstar of Smoke River, Few Show Acid, Mighty Sounds, Mr. Grey, Smart Crazy, Moonlight Shadow
- 2. hely: Kriptonite, Miss Shutterfly, River Dun It, Iowa Summer Cloud, Candy Kisses, Sound, Woodoo, Joker Jackpot, Shining Star, My Lost Dream, Psyche K. Hakarim
- 3. hely: Be Like Commander, Master Mind, Greenwood Sunshine, Roots Radicals Doll, Swing, Miss Street Flower
05. Barrel Racing
- 1. hely: Frost On Fire
- 2. hely: Miss Street Flower
- 3. hely: -
06. Halter
- 1. hely: LoveSick Summer, Be Like Commander, Hindoo Queen, Miss Shutterfly, River Dun It, Vaquero Joe, Iowa Summer Cloud, Boemil Twin Robotop, Mighty Sounds, Candy Kisses, Smart Crazy, Swing, Sunkissed Perfection, Cuba Libre, Joker Jackpot, Shining Star, Painted Rain, My Lost Dream
- 2. hely: Prado El Jamal, Master Mind, Gummy Bear, Resistance Is Futile, Red It Badger, Jenny Dun Smoke, Athos, Mr. Grey, Moonlight Shadow, Woodoo, SweetMeat Gladiator, Shades of Wind, Psyche K. Hakarim
- 3. hely: Last Man Standing, Kriptonite, Greenwood Sunshine, Samba Dancer, Rattlesnake Revolution, Frost On Fire, Sound, Dash For Cash, Little Chex to Cash, Aladdin of Rohan, Delicious Rain, Miss Street Flower
Abszolt gyztes: ELITE cm + 1. helyezett dja
- 1. hely: 60.000 Ft
- 2. hely: 40.000 Ft
- 3. hely: 20.000 Ft