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# 1. hely:
Last of the Wilds, Army Soul, Royal Secret, Chalsin's Devilish Strike, Sugar Devil
# 2. hely:
Northern Illusion, Last Awesome Cleopatra, Chemical Love Strike, Prince's Exorcism
# 3. hely:
Spirit Gayego, Sacra Terra, Moonglow, Castillion
# 1. hely:
Eternal Dream Feeling, Night Flower, Tara d'Oro, Wit, Chery Raddle Valentine, Quazar
# 2. hely:
Be My Valentine, Venomous Dream, Infinity's Hall, Essence of Speed
# 3. hely:
Midnight Express, Arnica Gris, Liberation, Lord Hiddleston
# 1. hely:
Bernardini, Hoffenheim, Hot Fox's Soar, Wonjderful Wolf of Deep
# 2. hely:
Adrede Milagro, Beneficious da Vida, Robot's Skull, Scharlott's Fox
# 3. hely:
SweetMeat Gris y Hermoso, Angry Armada, Lonely Angel, Russian Girl
# 1. hely:
Value Point, Mystical Princess, Moonshine, Story Teller
# 2. hely:
Carpe Diem, Leonidas de Spartan, Immortal Love, Angrove Fatrascal
# 3. hely:
Dear Devil, Hot Daisy SH. Perfect Kingdom
1. hely: 60.000 Ft + BEST Horse minsts
2. hely: 40.000 Ft + GOOD Horse minsts
3. hely: 20.000 Ft + TALENTED Horse minsts